

Sparsity And Morphological Diversity For Hyperspectral Data Analysis

15 years 26 days ago
Sparsity And Morphological Diversity For Hyperspectral Data Analysis
Recently morphological diversity and sparsity have emerged as new and effective sources of diversity for Blind Source Separation. Based on these new concepts, novel methods such as Generalized Morphological Component Analysis have been put forward. The latter takes advantage of the very sparse representation of structured data in large overcomplete dictionaries, to separate sources based on their morphology. Building on GMCA, the purpose of this contribution is to describe a new algorithm for hyperspectral data processing. Large-scale hyperspectral data refers to collected data that exhibit sparse spectral signatures in addition to sparse spatial morphologies, in specified dictionaries of spectral and spatial waveforms. Numerical experiments are reported which demonstrate the validity of the proposed extension for solving source separation problems involving hyperspectral data.
Added 10 Nov 2009
Updated 26 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICIP
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