

Spatial Information Extraction for Cognitive Mapping with a Mobile Robot

14 years 8 months ago
Spatial Information Extraction for Cognitive Mapping with a Mobile Robot
When animals (including humans) first explore a new environment, what they remember is fragmentary knowledge about the places visited. Yet, they have to use such fragmentary knowledge to find their way home. Humans naturally use more powerful heuristics while lower animals have shown to develop a variety of methods that tend to utilize two key pieces of information, namely distance and orientation information. Their methods differ depending on how they sense their environment. Could a mobile robot be used to investigate the nature of such a process, commonly referred to in the psychological literature as cognitive mapping? What might be computed in the initial explorations and how is the resulting “cognitive map” be used for localization? In this paper, we present an approach using a mobile robot to generate a “cognitive map”, the main focus being on experiments conducted in large spaces that the robot cannot apprehend at once due to the very limited range of its sensors. The...
Jochen Schmidt, Chee K. Wong, Wai K. Yeap
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Jochen Schmidt, Chee K. Wong, Wai K. Yeap
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