

Spatial Operators for Evolving Dynamic Bayesian Networks from Spatio-temporal Data

14 years 8 months ago
Spatial Operators for Evolving Dynamic Bayesian Networks from Spatio-temporal Data
Learning Bayesian networks from data has been studied extensively in the evolutionary algorithm communities [Larranaga96, Wong99]. We have previously explored extending some of these search methods to temporal Bayesian networks [Tucker01]. A characteristic of many datasets from medical to geographical data is the spatial arrangement of variables. In this paper we investigate a set of operators that have been designed to exploit the spatial nature of such data in order to learn dynamic Bayesian networks more efficiently. We test these operators on synthetic data generated from a Gaussian network where the architecture is based upon a Cartesian coordinate system, and real-world medical data taken from visual field tests of patients suffering from ocular hypertension.
Allan Tucker, Xiaohui Liu, David Garway-Heath
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Allan Tucker, Xiaohui Liu, David Garway-Heath
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