

Spatial Opportunity for Cognitive Radio Systems with Heterogeneous Path Loss Conditions

14 years 8 months ago
Spatial Opportunity for Cognitive Radio Systems with Heterogeneous Path Loss Conditions
— In this paper, the possibility for a short–range cognitive radio (secondary communication system) to be located within the service area of the primary system is discussed. Although the secondary system interferes with the primary system, there can be certain locations in the service area of the primary system where the cognitive radio can reuse the frequency of the primary system without disturbing it or being disturbed by the primary system. We say that in those locations there is a spatial opportunity for communication in the secondary system. The primary and secondary systems have different features and usage scenarios, which result in different deployment conditions. This gives rise to differences between the path loss for a link in the primary system and the path loss for the interference from the primary to secondary systems. This paper investigates the impact of the heterogeneous path loss conditions on the spatial opportunity for the secondary system. Our approach can be ...
Kentaro Nishimori, Rocco Di Taranto, Hiroyuki Yomo
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VTC
Authors Kentaro Nishimori, Rocco Di Taranto, Hiroyuki Yomo, Petar Popovski, Yasushi Takatori, Ramjee Prasad, Shuji Kubota
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