

Spatially aware handhelds for high-precision tangible interaction with large displays

14 years 8 months ago
Spatially aware handhelds for high-precision tangible interaction with large displays
While touch-screen displays are becoming increasingly popular, many factors affect user experience and performance. Surface quality, parallax, input resolution, and robustness, for instance, can vary with sensing technology, hardware configurations, and environmental conditions. We have developed a framework for exploring how we could overcome some of these dependencies, by leveraging the higher visual and input resolution of small, coarsely tracked mobile devices for direct, precise, and rapid interaction on large digital displays. The results from a formal user study show no significant differences in performance when comparing four techniques we developed for a tracked mobile device, where two existing touch-screen techniques served as baselines. The mobile techniques, however, had more consistent performance and smaller variations among participants, and an overall higher user preference in our setup. Our results show the potential of spatially aware handhelds as an interesting co...
Alex Olwal, Steven Feiner
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TEI
Authors Alex Olwal, Steven Feiner
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