

Spatially organized spike correlation in cat visual cortex

14 years 3 months ago
Spatially organized spike correlation in cat visual cortex
Inspired by optical recordings from visual cortex which show maps of orientation selectivity, and the finding that very similar patterns of population activity occur when the neurons fire spontaneously [T. Kenet, D. Bibitchkov, M. Tsodyks, A. Grinvald, A. Arieli, Spontaneously emerging cortical representations of visual attributes, Nature 425 (2003) 954–956], we approach the question of how the concept of cortical maps may be related to the concept of temporal coding. To this end we analyzed parallel spike recordings performed using a 10  10 electrode grid covering an area of 3:6 mm  3:6 mm of cat visual cortex for occurrence of spike correlation. We calculated all possible pairwise correlations between multi-unit activities (MUA) by cross-correlation and extracted significantly correlated pairs using a boot-strap procedure. The MUAs involved in correlated pairs were typically involved in more than a single correlated pair. Using methods of graph theory we found that the whol...
Denise Berger, David Warren, Richard Normann, Amos
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IJON
Authors Denise Berger, David Warren, Richard Normann, Amos Arieli, Sonja Grün
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