

Spectral Clustering in Social-Tagging Systems

14 years 11 months ago
Spectral Clustering in Social-Tagging Systems
Social tagging is an increasingly popular phenomenon with substantial impact on the way we perceive and understand the Web. For the many Web resources that are not self-descriptive, such as images, tagging is the sole way of associating them with concepts explicitly expressed in text. Consequently, users are encouraged to assign tags to Web resources, and tag recommenders are being developed to stimulate the re-use of existing tags in a consistent way. However, a tag still and inevitably expresses the personal perspective of each user upon the tagged resource. This personal perspective should be taken into account when assessing the similarity of resources with help of tags. In this paper, we focus on similarity-based clustering of tagged items, which can support several applications in social-tagging systems, like information retrieval, providing recommendations, or the establishment of user profiles and the discovery of topics. We show that it is necessary to capture and exploit the...
Alexandros Nanopoulos, Hans-Henning Gabriel, Myra
Added 08 Mar 2010
Updated 08 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WISE
Authors Alexandros Nanopoulos, Hans-Henning Gabriel, Myra Spiliopoulou
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