

Speculative Flow Control for High-Radix Datacenter Interconnect Routers

14 years 8 months ago
Speculative Flow Control for High-Radix Datacenter Interconnect Routers
High-radix switches are desirable building blocks for large computer interconnection networks, because they are more suitable to convert chip I/O bandwidth into low latency and low cost than low-radix switches [10]. Unfortunately, most existing switch architectures do not scale well to a large number of ports. For example, the complexity of the buffered crossbar architecture scales quadratically with the number of ports. Compounded with support for long round-trip times and many virtual channels, the overall buffer requirements limit the feasibility of such switches to modest port counts. Compromising on the buffer sizing leads to a drastic increase in latency and reduction in throughput, as long as traditional credit flow control is employed at the link level. We propose a novel link-level flow control protocol that enables high-performance scalable routers based on the increasingly popular buffered crossbar architecture to scale to higher port counts without sacrificing performan...
Cyriel Minkenberg, Mitchell Gusat
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPPS
Authors Cyriel Minkenberg, Mitchell Gusat
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