Thispaper describes speed-up of string pattern matchingby rearrangingstates inAho-Corasickpattern matching machine, which is a kind of afinite automaton. Werealized speed-up of string pattern matching using data compression. Although we obtain higher compression ratio using a finite state model, it doesn’t lead speed-up of stringpattern matching. Because thepattern matching machine becomes very large, when compression codes are complex. Random Access Memory (RAM) are scattered with states usedfrequently Such states are close to the initial state ofpattern matching machine. We rearrange states so as to collecting states usedfrequentlyfor CPU cache eficiency. We renumber states in breadth-jirst order In experiments,the elapsed time is reduced to about 55% in case of a compressed English text.
T. Nishimura, Shuichi Fukamachi, Takeshi Shinohara