

Spiders as Robust Point Descriptors

14 years 8 months ago
Spiders as Robust Point Descriptors
This paper introduces a new operator to characterize a point in an image in a distinctive and invariant way. The robust recognition of points is a key technique in computer vision: algorithms for stereo correspondence, motion tracking and object recognition rely heavily on this type of operator. The goal in this paper is to describe the salient point to be characterized by a constellation of surrounding anchor points. Salient points are the most reliably localized points extracted by an interest point operator. The anchor points are multiple interest points in a visually homogenous segment surrounding the salient point. Because of its appearance, this constellation is called a spider. With a prototype of the spider operator, results in this paper demonstrate how a point can be recognized in spite of significant image noise, inhomogeneous change in illumination and altered perspective. For an example that requires a high performance close to object / background boundaries, the prototype...
Adam Stanski, Olaf Hellwich
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DAGM
Authors Adam Stanski, Olaf Hellwich
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