

Spline-based boundary loss concealment

15 years 5 months ago
Spline-based boundary loss concealment
Object-based video coding requires the transmission of the object shape. This shape is sent as a binary a-plane. In lossy packetbased networks, such as the Internet, this information has a nonnegligible probability of not arriving at the receiver, and hence its loss needs to be concealed. In this paper we propose a shape concealment technique utilizing Hermite splines. The algorithm has the following steps: (I) the received boundary is detected and the lost boundary parts are grouped using the packet loss panem. (11) for each of these lost boundaq parts, the received boundary points that border the area of the lost boundary parts are collected. These bound;uy points are then modelled by a second order Hermite spline. This model is subsequently used to match the velocity along the received boundary with the velocity of the concealing cubic Hermite spline. (111) since in most cases there are more than oneconcealing splines we draw every spline combination thatdoes not result in an inter...
Guido M. Schuster, Xiaohuan Li, Aggelos K. Katsagg
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Guido M. Schuster, Xiaohuan Li, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
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