

Spline-Based Probabilistic Model for Anatomical Landmark Detection

15 years 2 months ago
Spline-Based Probabilistic Model for Anatomical Landmark Detection
Abstract. In medical imaging, finding landmarks that provide biologically meaningful correspondences is often a challenging and time-consuming manual task. In this paper we propose a generic and simple algorithm for landmarking noncortical brain structures automatically. We use a probabilistic model of the image intensities based on the deformation of a tissue probability map, learned from a training set of hand-landmarked images. In this setting, estimating the location of the landmarks in a new image is equivalent to finding, by likelihood maximization, the "best" deformation from the tissue probability map to the image. The resulting algorithm is able to handle arbitrary types and numbers of landmarks. We demonstrate our algorithm on the detection of 3 landmarks of the hippocampus in brain MR images.
Camille Izard, Bruno Jedynak, Craig E. L. Stark
Added 14 Nov 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Camille Izard, Bruno Jedynak, Craig E. L. Stark
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