

A Spreading Activation Framework for Ontology-Enhanced Adaptive Information Access within Organisations

14 years 5 months ago
A Spreading Activation Framework for Ontology-Enhanced Adaptive Information Access within Organisations
This research investigates a unique Indexing Structure and Navigational Interface which integrates (1) ontology-driven knowledge-base (2) statistically derived indexing parameters, and (3) experts' feedback into a single Spreading Activation Framework to harness knowledge from heterogeneous knowledge assets. Within an organisation, organisational ontologies capture precise knowledge about organisational entities: people, projects, activities, information sources and so on. We extract useful entities and their relationships from an ontology-driven knowledge base. We also process collections of documents (archives) accumulated in heterogeneous information-bases within an organisation and derive indexing parameters. This information is then mapped to a weighted graph (spreading activation network). The network contains three distinct sets of nodes representing documents, ontological entities and statistically derived entities. Document nodes are connected to both ontology-driven ent...
Md Maruf Hasan
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where AMKM
Authors Md Maruf Hasan
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