

The SRI NIST 2010 speaker recognition evaluation system

13 years 7 months ago
The SRI NIST 2010 speaker recognition evaluation system
The SRI speaker recognition system for the 2010 NIST speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) incorporates multiple subsystems with a variety of features and modeling techniques. We describe our strategy for this year’s evaluation, from the use of speech recognition and speech segmentation to the individual system descriptions as well as the final combination. Our results show that under most conditions, the cepstral systems tend to perform the best, but that other, non-cepstral systems have the most complementarity. The combination of several subsystems with the use of adequate side information gives a 35% improvement on the standard telephone condition. We also show that a constrained cepstral system based on nasal syllables tends to be more robust to vocal effort variabilities.
Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciaren
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Nicolas Scheffer, Luciana Ferrer, Martin Graciarena, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke
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