

SS-IDS: Statistical Signature Based IDS

14 years 7 months ago
SS-IDS: Statistical Signature Based IDS
Security of web servers has become a sensitive subject today. Prediction of normal and abnormal request is problematic due to large number of false alarms in many anomaly based Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS). SS-IDS derives automatically the parameter profiles from the analyzed data thereby generating the Statistical Signatures. Statistical Signatures are based on modeling of normal requests and their distribution value without explicit intervention. Several attributes are used to calculate the behavior of the legitimate request on the web server. SS-IDS is best suited for the newly installed web servers which doesn’t have large number of requests in the data set to train the IDS and can be used on top of currently used signature based IDS like SNORT. Experiments conducted on real data sets have shown high accuracy up to 99.98% for predicting valid request as valid and false positive rate ranges from 3.82-7.84%.
Payas Gupta, Chedy Raïssi, Gérard Dray
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICIW
Authors Payas Gupta, Chedy Raïssi, Gérard Dray, Pascal Poncelet, Johan Brissaud
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