

Stability analysis of complex maximum likelihood ica using Wirtinger calculus

14 years 6 months ago
Stability analysis of complex maximum likelihood ica using Wirtinger calculus
The desirable asymptotic optimality properties of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator make it an attractive solution for performing independent component analysis (ICA) as well. Wirtinger calculus is shown to provide an attractive framework for the derivation and analysis of complex-valued algorithms using nonlinear functions, and hence of ICA algorithms as well. Local stability analysis of complex ICA based on ML presents a unique challenge, since in addition to the need for computation of derivatives, the Hessian of a matrix quantity needs to be evaluated, and for the complex case, it assumes a signicantly more complicated form than the real-valued case. In this paper, we demonstrate how Wirtinger calculus allows the use of an elegant approach proposed by Amari et al. [5] in the analysis, thus enabling the derivation of the conditions for local stability of complex ML ICA. We further study the implications of the conditions for a generalized Gaussian density model.
Hualiang Li, Tülay Adali
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Hualiang Li, Tülay Adali
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