

Stability and Sensitivity for Congestion Control in Wireless Networks with Time Varying Link Capacities

14 years 8 months ago
Stability and Sensitivity for Congestion Control in Wireless Networks with Time Varying Link Capacities
While extensive efforts have been devoted to providing optimization based, distributed congestion control schemes for efficient bandwidth utilization and fair allocation in both wireline and wireless networks, a common assumption therein is fixed link capacities. This unfortunately will limit the application scope in multi-hop wireless networks where channels are ever changing. In this paper, we explicitly model link capacities to be time varying and investigate congestion control problems in multi-hop wireless networks. In particular we propose a primal-dual congestion control algorithm which is proved to be trajectory stable in the absence of feedback delay. Different from system stability around a single equilibrium point, trajectory stability guarantees the system is stable around a time varying reference trajectory. Moreover, we obtain sufficient conditions for the scheme to be locally stable in the presence of delay. Our key technique is to model time variations of capacities...
Guohua Zhang, Yiyu Wu, Yonghe Liu
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICNP
Authors Guohua Zhang, Yiyu Wu, Yonghe Liu
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