

Standardized Analysis of Intracranial Aneurysms Using Digital Video Sequences

15 years 21 days ago
Standardized Analysis of Intracranial Aneurysms Using Digital Video Sequences
CT-angiography is a well established medical imaging technique for the detection, evaluation and therapy planning of intracranial aneurysms. Different 3D visualization algorithms such as maximum intensity projection, shaded surface display and direct volume rendering support the analysis of the resulting volumes. Despite the available flexibility, this general approach leads to almost unreproducible and patient specific results. They depend completely on the applied algorithm and the parameter setting chosen in a wide range. Therefore, the results are inapplicable for inter-patient or inter-study comparisons. As a solution to this problem, we suggest to make the visualization fully independent of any user interaction. In consequence the main focus of the presented work lies on standardization and automation which guarantees comparable 3D representations for the analysis of intracranial aneurysms. For this purpose, we introduce a web-based system providing digital video sequences based ...
Sabine Iserhardt-Bauer, Peter Hastreiter, Bernd To
Added 15 Nov 2009
Updated 15 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Sabine Iserhardt-Bauer, Peter Hastreiter, Bernd Tomandl, N. Köstner, M. Schempershofe, U. Nissen, Thomas Ertl
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