

Star Quality: Aggregating Reviews to Rank Products and Merchants

14 years 5 months ago
Star Quality: Aggregating Reviews to Rank Products and Merchants
Given a set of reviews of products or merchants from a wide range of authors and several reviews websites, how can we measure the true quality of the product or merchant? How do we remove the bias of individual authors or sources? How do we compare reviews obtained from different websites, where ratings may be on different scales (1-5 stars, A/B/C, etc.)? How do we filter out unreliable reviews to use only the ones with "star quality"? Taking into account these considerations, we analyze data sets from a variety of different reviews sites (the first paper, to our knowledge, to do this). These data
Mary McGlohon, Natalie S. Glance, Zach Reiter
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Mary McGlohon, Natalie S. Glance, Zach Reiter
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