

Start Trusting Strangers? Bootstrapping and Prediction of Trust

14 years 9 months ago
Start Trusting Strangers? Bootstrapping and Prediction of Trust
Web-based environments typically span interactions between humans and software services. The management and automatic calculation of trust are among the key challenges of the future service-oriented Web. Trust management systems in large-scale systems, for example, social networks or service-oriented environments determine trust between actors by either collecting manual feedback ratings or by mining their interactions. However, most systems do not support bootstrapping of trust. In this paper we propose techniques and algorithms enabling the prediction of trust even when only few or no ratings have been collected or interactions captured. We introduce the concepts of mirroring and teleportation of trust facilitating the evolution of cooperation between various actors. We assume a user-centric environment, where actors express their opinions, interests and expertises by selecting and tagging resources. We take this information to construct tagging profiles, whose similarities are util...
Florian Skopik, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar
Added 08 Mar 2010
Updated 08 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WISE
Authors Florian Skopik, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar
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