

Static Analysis of CLP Programs over Numeric Domains

14 years 7 months ago
Static Analysis of CLP Programs over Numeric Domains
Abstract Constraint logic programming (CLP) is a generalization of the pure logic programming paradigm, having similar model-theoretic, fixpoint and operational semantics [9]. Since the basic operational step in program execution is a test for solvability of constraints in a given algebraic structure, CLP has in addition an algebraic semantics. CLP is then a general paradigm which may be instantiated on various semantic domains, thus achieving a good expressive power. One relevant feature is the distinction between testing for solvability and computing a solution of a given constraint formula. In the logic programming case, this corresponds to the unification process, which tests for solvability by computing a solution (a set of equations in solved form or most general unifier). In CLP, the computation of a solution of a constraint is left to a constraint solver, which does not affect the semantic definition of the language. This allows different computational domains, e.g. real arithm...
Roberto Bagnara, Roberto Giacobazzi, Giorgio Levi
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where SAS
Authors Roberto Bagnara, Roberto Giacobazzi, Giorgio Levi
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