

Static Classification Schemes for an Object System

14 years 3 months ago
Static Classification Schemes for an Object System
Instance (or object) classification in a knowledgebase managementsystem is the very same problem as view determination in an object DBMS,whereviewsare subsets of classes intensionally defined by constraints. Maintainingthe relationship betweenan object andits current viewswhenthe object evolvesis a difficult andcostly problem.Weproposea solution for instance classification basedon a partitioning of the object space obtained through a static analysis of the properties defining the viev, s. Fourkinds of properties are considered: domainconstraints, inter-attribute dependencies, dynamic(past temporal)constraints, andlinear constr:,.ints.
Ana Simonet, Michel Simonet, Cyr Gabin Bassolet, X
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Ana Simonet, Michel Simonet, Cyr Gabin Bassolet, X. C. Delannoy, Riad Hamadi
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