

Statistic Analysis for Probabilistic Processes

14 years 7 months ago
Statistic Analysis for Probabilistic Processes
—We associate a statistical vector to a trace and a geometrical embedding to a Markov Decision Process, based on a distance on words, and study basic Membership and Equivalence problems. The Membership problem for a trace w and a Markov Decision Process S decides if there exists a strategy on S which generates with high probability traces close to w. We prove that Membership of a trace is testable and Equivalence of MDPs is polynomial time approximable. For Probabilistic Automata, Membership is not testable, and approximate Equivalence is undecidable. We give a class of properties, based on results concerning the structure of the tail sigma-field of a finite Markov chain, which characterizes equivalent Markov Decision Processes in this context.
Michel de Rougemont, Mathieu Tracol
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where LICS
Authors Michel de Rougemont, Mathieu Tracol
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