

On the Statistical Distribution of Stationary Segment Lengths of Road Vehicles Vibrations

14 years 3 months ago
On the Statistical Distribution of Stationary Segment Lengths of Road Vehicles Vibrations
— This paper presents an important outcome of a research programme which focuses on the development of a method for synthesizing, under controlled conditions in the laboratory, the non-stationary random vibrations generated by road transport vehicles. It addresses an important limitation of current methods used for synthesising random vehicle vibrations which assume that vibrations produced by wheeled vehicles can be approximated by a zero-mean, normally-distributed (Gaussian) random process and, therefore, fails to accurately reproduce the fluctuations in vibration levels that occur naturally during road transportation realizations [1]. The paper builds upon the observation that non-stationary random vehicle vibrations are composed of a sequence of zero-mean random Gaussian processes of varying standard deviations [2]. It discusses the important parameters that need to be addressed when dealing with the synthesis of random sequences. The paper presents the development of a change-po...
Vincent Rouillard
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors Vincent Rouillard
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