

Step-Size Bounds Analysis of the Generalized Multidelay Adaptive Filter

14 years 4 months ago
Step-Size Bounds Analysis of the Generalized Multidelay Adaptive Filter
—In this paper, we analyze the bounds of the fixed common step-size parameter GMDFµ for the generalized multidelay adaptive filter (GMDF). Frequency domain adaptive filters are attractive in applications requiring a large number of coefficients such as acoustic echo cancellation (AEC). However, the very restrictive convergence bound for block LMS has limited its usefulness. Derivations on step-size bounds for the partitioned frequency-domain block LMS have been reported recently, but are not consistent with each other. Contrary to other researchers’ work, this paper derives a not-restrictive step-size bound that supports a stable GMDF. We also derive relations of step-size parameters for NLMS and GMDF to have similar convergence properties. The results of extensive simulation experiments are included in the paper. These results show the bounds and the convergence behavior predicted by the analysis is in very good agreement with the experimental results.
Junghsi Lee, Hsu Chang Huang
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors Junghsi Lee, Hsu Chang Huang
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