

Stereo Reconstruction from Multiperspective Panoramas

15 years 2 months ago
Stereo Reconstruction from Multiperspective Panoramas
A new approach to computing a panoramic (360 degrees) depth map is presented in this paper. Our approach uses a large collection of images taken by a camera whose motion has been constrained to planar concentric circles. We resample regular perspective images to produce a set of multiperspective panoramas and then compute depth maps directly from these resampled panoramas. Our panoramas sample uniformly in three dimensions: rotation angle, inverse radial distance, and vertical elevation. The use of multiperspective panoramas eliminates the limited overlap present in the original input images and, thus, problems as in conventional multibaseline stereo can be avoided. Our approach differs from stereo matching of single-perspective panoramic images taken from different locations, where the epipolar constraints are sine curves. For our multiperspective panoramas, the epipolar geometry, to the first order approximation, consists of horizontal lines. Therefore, any traditional stereo algorit...
Heung-Yeung Shum, Richard Szeliski
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 31 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ICCV
Authors Heung-Yeung Shum, Richard Szeliski
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