

Stimulus-induced bifurcations in discrete-time neural oscillators

14 years 4 days ago
Stimulus-induced bifurcations in discrete-time neural oscillators
Abstract. Based on theoretical issues and neurobiological evidence, considerable interest has recently focused on dynamic computational elements in neural systems. Such elements respond to stimuli by altering their dynamical behavior rather than by changing a scalar output. In particular, neural oscillators capable of chaotic dynamics represent a potentially very rich substrate for complex spatiotemporal information processing. However, the response properties of such systems must be studied in detail before they can be used as computational elements in neural models. In this paper, we focus on the response of a very simple discrete-time neural oscillator model to a ®xed input. We show that the oscillator responds to the stimulus through a fairly complex set of bifurcations, and shows critical switching between attractors. This information can be used to construct very sophisticated dynamic computational elements with well-understood response properties. Examples of such elements are ...
Ali A. Minai, Tirunelveli Anand
Added 21 Dec 2010
Updated 21 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where BC
Authors Ali A. Minai, Tirunelveli Anand
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