

The Stochastic Knapsack Revisited: Switch-Over Policies and Dynamic Pricing

14 years 27 days ago
The Stochastic Knapsack Revisited: Switch-Over Policies and Dynamic Pricing
The stochastic knapsack has been used as a model in wide ranging applications from dynamic resource allocation to admission control in telecommunication. In recent years, a variation of the model has become a basic tool in studying problems that arise in revenue management and dynamic/flexible pricing; and it is in this context that our study is undertaken. Based on a dynamic programming formulation and associated properties of the value function, we study in this paper a class of control that we call switch-over policies -start from accepting only orders of the highest price, and switch to including lower prices as time goes by, with the switch-over times optimally decided via convex programming. We establish the asymptotic optimality of the switch-over policy, and develop pricing models based on this policy to optimize the price reductions over the decision horizon.
Grace Y. Lin, Yingdong Lu, David D. Yao
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IOR
Authors Grace Y. Lin, Yingdong Lu, David D. Yao
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