

Storage Capacity of Labeled Graphs

14 years 1 months ago
Storage Capacity of Labeled Graphs
We consider the question of how much information can be stored by labeling the vertices of a connected undirected graph G using a constant-size set of labels, when isomorphic labelings are not distinguishable. An exact information-theoretic bound is easily obtained by counting the number of isomorphism classes of labelings of G, which we call the information-theoretic capacity of the graph. More interesting is the effective capacity of members of some class of graphs, the number of states distinguishable by a Turing machine that uses the labeled graph itself in place of the usual linear tape. We show that the effective capacity equals the information-theoretic capacity up to constant factors for trees, random graphs with polynomial edge probabilities, and bounded-degree graphs.
Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Rida A. Bazzi, Jiang C
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SSS
Authors Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Rida A. Bazzi, Jiang Chen, David Eisenstat, Goran Konjevod
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