

Storage Replication and Layout in Video-on-Demand Servers

14 years 4 months ago
Storage Replication and Layout in Video-on-Demand Servers
We propose and analyze an architecture for storage servers in large Video on Demand (VoD) systems. We describe a method for distributing the collection of titles among the levels of the storage hierarchy, based on estimates of the mean demand for each title. The resulting distribution minimizes cost for a given level of performance. Since high availability is desirable in VoD systems, we consider the use of mirroring or parity-based redundancy (a la RAID) and estimate the e ect on the system's cost and availability. In the very-large-scale storage systems needed for VoD, the placement of disk arrays on the pool of computers must be chosen carefully to provide high availability for the least cost. We propose a strategy for arranging disk arrays on a pool of PCs our strategy is inspired by Holland and Gibson's work on parity declustering for RAID.
Scott D. Stoller, John DeTreville
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Scott D. Stoller, John DeTreville
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