

Storytelling through drawings: evaluating tangible interfaces for children

15 years 1 months ago
Storytelling through drawings: evaluating tangible interfaces for children
This paper presents an ongoing study comparing the potential and the quality of the experiences provided by tangible versus traditional interfaces. The study was carried with two groups of kindergarten children using two interfaces that aim to motivate children to the practice of oral hygiene. Childrens drawings were one of the methods used to assess their experience. We found differences quantitatively and qualitatively between the drawings of the children interacting with the tangible interface and the traditional interface. The drawings suggest that by interacting with the tangible interface children felt more actively involved with the task. Keywords Tangible Interfaces, Drawing, Children, Evaluation. ACM Classification Keywords H5. 2. User Interfaces: Evaluation / Methodology
Cristina Sylla, Pedro Branco, Clara Coutinho, Mari
Added 24 Nov 2009
Updated 24 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CHI
Authors Cristina Sylla, Pedro Branco, Clara Coutinho, Maria Eduarda Coquet
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