

STRADA: A Tool for Scenario-Based Feature-to-Code Trace Detection and Analysis

15 years 16 days ago
STRADA: A Tool for Scenario-Based Feature-to-Code Trace Detection and Analysis
Software engineers frequently struggle with understanding the relationships between the source code of a system and its requirements or high-level features. These relationships are commonly referred to as trace links. The creation and maintenance of trace links is a largely manual, time-consuming, and errorprone process. This paper presents STRADA (Scenario-based TRAce Detection and Analysis) ? a tool that helps software engineers explore traces links to source code through testing. While testing is predominantly done to ensure the correctness of a software system, STRADA demonstrates a vital secondary benefit: by executing source code during testing it can be linked to requirements and features, thus establishing traceability automatically.
Alexander Egyed, Gernot Binder, Paul Grünbach
Added 09 Dec 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICSE
Authors Alexander Egyed, Gernot Binder, Paul Grünbacher
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