

Streaming HD H.264 encoder on programmable processors

14 years 10 months ago
Streaming HD H.264 encoder on programmable processors
Programmable processors have great advantage over dedicated ASIC design under intense time-to-market pressure. However, realtime encoding of high-definition (HD) H.264 video (up to 1080p) is a challenge to most existing programmable processors. On the other hand, model-based design is widely accepted in developing complex media program. Stream model, an emerging model-based programming method, shows surprising efficiency on many compute-intensive domains especially for media processing. On the basis, this paper proposes a set of streaming techniques for H.264 encoding, and then develops all of the code based on the X264 reference code. Our streaming H.264 encoder is a pure software implementation completely written in high-level language without special hardware/algorithm support. Real execution results show that our encoder achieves significant speedup over the original X264 encoder on various programmable architectures: on X86 CoreTM
Nan Wu, Mei Wen, Wei Wu, Ju Ren, Huayou Su, Changq
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where MM
Authors Nan Wu, Mei Wen, Wei Wu, Ju Ren, Huayou Su, Changqing Xun, Chunyuan Zhang
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