

Streaming Video with Optimized Reconstruction-Based DCT

14 years 7 months ago
Streaming Video with Optimized Reconstruction-Based DCT
One fundamental problem with streaming video data over unreliable IP networks is that packets may be dropped or arrive too late for real-time playback. Traditional error-control schemes are not attractive because they either add redundant information that may worsen network traffic, or rely solely on decoders with inadequate error concealment. This paper presents a joint senderreceiver approach in designing transforms for multiple-description coding in order to conceal network losses in streaming real-time video over the Internet. In the receiver side, we adopt a simple interpolation-based reconstruction, as sophisticated concealment techniques cannot be employed in software-based real-time playback. In the sender side, we design an optimized reconstructionbased discrete cosine transform (ORB-DCT) with the objective of minimizing the mean squared error, assuming that some of the descriptions are lost and that the missing information is reconstructed by simple averaging at the destina...
Xiao Su, Benjamin W. Wah
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Xiao Su, Benjamin W. Wah
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