

StreamOnTheFly: A Network for Radio Content Dissemination

14 years 1 months ago
StreamOnTheFly: A Network for Radio Content Dissemination
A distributed digital library has been designed and implemented for the support of community radios. This framework, developed by the StreamOnTheFly IST project of the EU, provides a common background for preparation, archival, exchange and reuse of radio programs and supports radio personalization. The architecture is based on a decentralized network of software components using automatic metadata replication in a peer-to-peer manner. This approach combines the principles and practice of OAI (Open Archives Initiative) with the peer-to-peer networking paradigm, and extends usual content dissemination with the aggregation of use statistics and user feedback. The network also promotes social self-organization of the community and a new common metadata schema and content exchange format.
László Kovács, András
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors László Kovács, András Micsik, Máté Pataki, Robert Stachel
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