Abstract—A non-malleable encoding scheme is a keyless encoding scheme which is resilient to tampering attacks. Such a scheme is said to be continuously secure if the scheme is resilient to attacks containing more than one tampering procedure. Also, such a scheme is said to have tamper-detection property if any kind of tampering attack is detected. In [S. Faust, et al., Continuous nonmalleable codes, TCC Proc., LNCS Vol. 8349, 2014.] a general continuous non-malleable encoding scheme based on NIZK is introduced which is secure in a strong model for which the adversary receives a no-tamper as a response to its tampering query if the decoding of the tampered codeword is identical to the original message. In this article we introduce a new strongly secure continuous non-malleable encoding scheme with tamper-detection property whose security is based on the existence of secure MAC’s. Moreover, we introduce and justify the importance of an intermediate security model called semi-strong c...
Amir S. Mortazavi, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Amir Dane