

A Strong Logic Programming View for Static Embedded Implications

14 years 5 months ago
A Strong Logic Programming View for Static Embedded Implications
Abstract. A strong (L) logic programming language ([14, 15]) is given by two subclasses of formulas (programs and goals) of the underlying logic L, provided that: firstly, any program P (viewed as a L-theory) has a canonical model MP which is initial in the category of all its L-models; secondly, the L-satisfaction of a goal G in MP is equivalent to the L-derivability of G from P, and finally, there exists an effective (computable) proof-subcalculus of the L-calculus which works out for derivation of goals from programs. In this sense, Horn clauses constitute a strong (first-order) logic programming language. Following the methodology suggested in [15] for designing logic programming languages, an extension of Horn clauses should be made by extending its underlying first-order logic to a richer logic which supports a strong axiomatization of the extended logic programming language. A well-known approach for extending Horn clauses with embedded implications is the static scope prog...
R. Arruabarrena, Paqui Lucio, Marisa Navarro
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors R. Arruabarrena, Paqui Lucio, Marisa Navarro
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