

Strong Normalization and Equi-(Co)Inductive Types

14 years 6 months ago
Strong Normalization and Equi-(Co)Inductive Types
e type system for the l—m˜d—E™—l™ulus enri™hed with re™urE sive —nd ™ore™ursive fun™tions over equiEindu™tive —nd E™oindu™tive types is presented in whi™h —ll wellEtyped progr—ms —re strongly norm—lizingF „he ™hoi™e of equiEindu™tive typesD inste—d of the more ™ommon isoE indu™tive typesD in)uen™es ˜oth redu™tion rules —nd the strong norm—lE iz—tion proofF fy em˜edding isoE into equiEtypesD the l—tter ones —re re™ognized —s more fund—ment—lF e model ˜—sed on orthogon—lity is ™onE stru™ted where — sem—nti™—l type ™orresponds to — set of o˜serv—tionsD —nd soundness of the type system is provenF
Andreas Abel
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where TLCA
Authors Andreas Abel
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