

Structured correspondence topic models for mining captioned figures in biological literature

15 years 11 days ago
Structured correspondence topic models for mining captioned figures in biological literature
A major source of information (often the most crucial and informative part) in scholarly articles from scientific journals, proceedings and books are the figures that directly provide images and other graphical illustrations of key experimental results and other scientific contents. In biological articles, a typical figure often comprises multiple panels, accompanied by either scoped or global captioned text. Moreover, the text in the caption contains important semantic entities such as protein names, gene ontology, tissues labels, etc., relevant to the images in the figure. Due to the avalanche of biological literature in recent years, and increasing popularity of various bio-imaging techniques, automatic retrieval and summarization of biological information from literature figures has emerged as a major unsolved challenge in computational knowledge extraction and management in the life science. We present a new structured probabilistic topic model built on a realistic figure generat...
Amr Ahmed, Eric P. Xing, William W. Cohen, Robert
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where KDD
Authors Amr Ahmed, Eric P. Xing, William W. Cohen, Robert F. Murphy
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