

Structured decomposition of adaptive applications

15 years 23 hour ago
Structured decomposition of adaptive applications
We describe an approach to automate certain highlevel implementation decisions in a pervasive application, allowing them to be postponed until run time. Our system enables a model in which an application programmer can specify the behavior of an adaptive application as a set of open-ended decision points. We formalize decision points as Goals, each of which may be satisfied by a set of scripts called Techniques. The set of Techniques vying to satisfy any Goal is additive and may be extended at runtime without needing to modify or remove any existing Techniques. Our system provides a framework in which Techniques may compete and interoperate at runtime in order to maintain an adaptive application. Technique development may be distributed and incremental, providing a path for the decentralized evolution of applications. Benchmarks show that our system imposes reasonable overhead during application startup and adaptation.
Justin Mazzola Paluska, Hubert Pham, Umar Saif, Gr
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Justin Mazzola Paluska, Hubert Pham, Umar Saif, Grace Chau, Chris Terman, Steve Ward
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