

Structured Queries Over Web Text

14 years 3 months ago
Structured Queries Over Web Text
The Web contains a vast amount of text that can only be queried using simple keywords-in, documentsout search queries. But Web text often contains structured elements, such as hotel location and price pairs embedded in a set of hotel reviews. Queries that process these structural text elements would be much more powerful than our current document-centric queries. Of course, text does not contain metadata or a schema, making it unclear what a structured text query means precisely. In this paper we describe three possible models for structured queries over text, each of which implies different query semantics and user interaction.
Michael J. Cafarella, Oren Etzioni, Dan Suciu
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where DEBU
Authors Michael J. Cafarella, Oren Etzioni, Dan Suciu
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