

Student Modelling Based on Ontologies

14 years 5 months ago
Student Modelling Based on Ontologies
— In this paper I show how ontologies support the student modelling through the semantic definition of concepts that depict a student. The aim is to outline the framework for building ontologies as knowledge repositories. The advantages stemmed from the design and the use of ontologies are quite valuable, such as: the formal representation of knowledge based on axioms; the inferences outcome from inheritance relations; the easy-readable ontology’s code for humans and machines; and the provision of federative services for ontology management through agents. Hence, as a result of the experiment that was fulfilled in a Web based education system (WBES), I found out that ontologies provide a solid and reliability support for depicting attributes that concern to an individual, who is represented by a student model (SM). Keywords— Student modelling, student model, ontologies, Web based education systems
Alejandro Peña Ayala
Added 09 Jul 2010
Updated 09 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Alejandro Peña Ayala
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