

A Study of Screen Printability of UV Soy Ink on Plastics

14 years 10 months ago
A Study of Screen Printability of UV Soy Ink on Plastics
: In order to improve environmental pollution of printing industry, it has developed new environmental ink which is called UV Soy Ink. The purpose of this research is to investigate screen printability of UV Soy Ink. To print UV Soy Ink on four different plastics for hardness tested, strips tested, abrasion resistance tested, and solvent resistance tested. The test results will be compared with UV Ink. According to experimental results and finding out: (1) For hardness tested, the printability of UV Ink and UV Soy Ink are not different. (2) For strips tested, abrasion resistance tested, and solvent resistance tested, the printability of UV Ink is a little better than UV Soy Ink. But to respond to the environmental issue and the sustainable development of printing industry, it’s still worthwhile to promote UV Soy Ink and use it. key words: UV soy ink, plastics, printability.
Chung-Hui Chen, Chih-Jen Liu
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CSSE
Authors Chung-Hui Chen, Chih-Jen Liu
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