

A Study on the Security of Privacy Homomorphism

14 years 9 months ago
A Study on the Security of Privacy Homomorphism
Informally, Privacy Homomorphism (PH) refers to encryption schemes with a homomorphic property allowing to obtain Ek(a + b) or Ek(a × b) from ciphertexts Ek(a) and Ek(b) without the knowledge of the decryption key. Privacy homomorphisms, especially algebraic ones, have a wide range of applications in information security due to the homomorphic property. In this paper, we correct a misunderstanding regarding the security of additive PH, give a definition for efficient PH, and discuss the security of algebraic PH in the black-box model to show that any PH is at most semantically secure under non-adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks (i.e. IND-CCA1 secure), which also implies that we can simulate an IND-CCA1 secure algebraic PH with a small amount of hardware.
Yu Yu, Jussipekka Leiwo, Benjamin Premkumar
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ITNG
Authors Yu Yu, Jussipekka Leiwo, Benjamin Premkumar
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