

A Study of User Profile Generation from Folksonomies

15 years 3 months ago
A Study of User Profile Generation from Folksonomies
Recommendation systems which aim at providing relevant information to users are becoming more and more important and desirable due to the enormous amount of information available on the Web. Crucial to the performance of a recommendation system is the accuracy of the user profiles used to represent the interests of the users. In recent years, popular collaborative tagging systems such as have aggregated an abundant amount of user-contributed metadata which provides valuable information about the interests of the users. In this paper, we present our analysis on the personal data in folksonomies, and investigate how accurate user profiles can be generated from this data. We reveal that the majority of users possess multiple interests, and propose an algorithm to generate user profiles which can accurately represent these multiple interests. We also discuss how these user profiles can be used for recommending Web pages and organising personal data. Categories and Subject Desc...
Ching-man Au Yeung, Nicholas Gibbins, Nigel Shadbo
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where WWW
Authors Ching-man Au Yeung, Nicholas Gibbins, Nigel Shadbolt
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