

Subjective Surfaces: A Geometric Model for Boundary Completion

14 years 2 months ago
Subjective Surfaces: A Geometric Model for Boundary Completion
We present a geometric model and a computational method for segmentation of images with missing boundaries. In many situations, the human visual system fills in missing gaps in edges and boundaries, building and completing information that is not present. These situations have been widely studied by Gestalt psycologists both in the case of modal and amodal completion. Boundary completion presents a considerable challenge in computer vision, since most algorithms attempt to exploit existing data. A large body of work concerns completion models, which postulate how to construct missing data; these models are often trained and specific to particular images. In this paper, we take the following, alternative perspective: we consider a reference point within an image as given, and then develop an algorithm which tries to build missing information on the basis of the given point of view and the available information as boundary data to the algorithm. Starting from the point of view, a surfac...
Alessandro Sarti, Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where IJCV
Authors Alessandro Sarti, Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian
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