

Submotions for Hidden Markov Model Based Dynamic Facial Action Recognition

15 years 2 months ago
Submotions for Hidden Markov Model Based Dynamic Facial Action Recognition
Video based analysis of a persons' mood or behavior is in general performed by interpreting various features observed on the body. Facial actions, such as speaking, yawning or laughing are considered as key features. Dynamic changes within the face can be modeled with the well known Hidden Markov Models (HMM). Unfortunately even within one class examples can show a high variance because of unknown start and end state or the length of a facial action. In this work we therefore perform a decomposition of those into so called submotions. These can be robustly recognized with HMMs, applying selected points in the face and their geometrical distances. Additionally the first and second derivation of the distances is included. A sequence of submotions is then interpreted with a dictionary and dynamic programming, as the order may be crucial. Analyzing the frequency of sequences shows the relevance of the submotions order. In an experimental section we show, that our novel submotion appr...
Dejan Arsic, Joachim Schenk, Björn Schuller,
Added 22 Oct 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICIP
Authors Dejan Arsic, Joachim Schenk, Björn Schuller, Frank Wallhoff, Gerhard Rigoll
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