

The Subspace Information Criterion for Infinite Dimensional Hypothesis Spaces

14 years 2 months ago
The Subspace Information Criterion for Infinite Dimensional Hypothesis Spaces
A central problem in learning is selection of an appropriate model. This is typically done by estimating the unknown generalization errors of a set of models to be selected from and then choosing the model with minimal generalization error estimate. In this article, we discuss the problem of model selection and generalization error estimation in the context of kernel regression models, e.g., kernel ridge regression, kernel subset regression or Gaussian process regression. Previously, a non-asymptotic generalization error estimator called the subspace information criterion (SIC) was proposed, that could be successfully applied to finite dimensional subspace models. SIC is an unbiased estimator of the generalization error for the finite sample case under the conditions that the learning target function belongs to a specified reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) H and the reproducing kernels centered on training sample points span the whole space H. These conditions hold only if dim H...
Masashi Sugiyama, Klaus-Robert Müller
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JMLR
Authors Masashi Sugiyama, Klaus-Robert Müller
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