Subtyping rules can be fairly complex for union types, due to interactions with other types, such as function types. Furthermore, these interactions turn out to depend on the calculus considered: for instance, a call-by-value calculus and a call-by-name calculus will have different possible subtyping rules. In order to abstract ourselves away from this dependence, we consider a fairly large class of calculi. We define types in a semantic fashion, as sets of terms. Then, a type can be a subtype of another type if its denotation is included in the denotation of the other type. We first consider a simple type system with union, function, pair and constant types. Using inference rules, we specify a subtyping relation which is both sound and complete with respect to the class of calculi. We then extend this result to a richer type system with ML-style polymorphism and type constructors. We expect this framework to allow the study of subtyping relations that only hold for some calculi by ...