

Success chances in argument games: a probabilistic approach to legal disputes

14 years 1 months ago
Success chances in argument games: a probabilistic approach to legal disputes
The outcome of a legal dispute, namely, the decision of its adjudicator, is uncertain, and both parties develop their strategies on the basis of their appreciation of the probability that the adjudicator will accept their arguments or the arguments of their adversary. Costs and gains have to be balanced in light of this uncertainty in order to identify the most convenient strategies. This paper provides a probabilistic approach embedded into an argumentation framework to capture this uncertainty and its use to determine the expected utility to engage in a legal dispute. Keywords. Argumentation, probability, expected utility.
Régis Riveret, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sa
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Régis Riveret, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Henry Prakken, Bram Roth
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